Have you tried “Grounding”?

You know that good feeling you get after walking barefoot on the grass, swimming in the ocean, or dipping in a waterfall? There’s a reason for it. These are different ways of “grounding” or “earthing”. It may sound weird or hippie, but it’s actually considered a therapeutic technique to electrically reconnect to the Earth, for people that live in cities and have lost touch with nature.

The practice is based on physics and science principles that explain how the electrical charges that emanate from the Earth can have positive effects on the human body. It does make a lot of sense to me, since there’s electric conductivity action in the brain that activates the immune system. By grounding yourself, you can help activate and restore the natural defenses of the body. There are some small studies done in the subject that have shown health benefits such as reducing inflammation, pain and mood improvement.

Whether you believe on it or not, spending time in nature definitely promotes well being and relaxation. So why not incorporate more of that into your routine? It’s just such so simple and easy. Recently I have tried spending a few minutes barefoot on the backyard while I get my daily vitamin D. Why don’t you give it try and let me know how you feel?

Photo by Anna Guerrero from Pexels


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